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NSW in CHC, where do you get yours?


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Anyone in CHC use NSW? I'm thinking of doing a mission to get a large number of litres so I can "flush" out my tank and get rid of the tap water. Am in the process of doing it with RODI, but with the decent salt being bloody expensive, I thought I'd see if nature could help out ;)

I'm assuming lyttelton is a big no no, hate to think what kind of crap is in the water in the harbour. Do I need to mission out to Woodend Beach?

Also, is it "illegal" to take the water like it is the sand?

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I am not good at all with the names of the beach locations, but I can describe it to you.

We get ours at the far end of Sumner (sp?) at the boat ramp just before you go over the hill to Tailors Mistake (sp?). Does that make any sense?

We've only done it a couple times since we don't have the collection setup sorted just yet. We hired a water trailer, which wasn't all that cost effective.

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Yep I know where you mean. I was thinking of popping out to Spencer Park/Woodend beach to get some. Can take the 4WD up to the water, then it'll just be lugging the 40litre containers a short distance to be able to fill them up. (Or taking them to the water, filling them up, then throwing my toys cuz its too heavy to bring back and i'm sinking in the wet sand)

Its definatly not illegal though is it?

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When I was keeping cold water marines I used to get the water from the sumner jetty as described but made up a 12volt bilge pump from a boat on a float with the hose down below the surface and under floating debri. Hooked it up to the car battery and pumped it on to containers on the trailer, then pumped it off again at the other end.

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