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Yellow Lab question


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I have just got my first Cichlid tank and it has what appears to be an electric yellow, except it has dark grey vertical bars...stress bars? and all around his chin is green grey (looks like a 5 oclock shadow :P).

I have scanned the forums and the net and I think that is is just the stress of moving that has him so off colour.

Has anyone got any other suggestions? and how do I get him to calm down if it is?

I asked the LFS if the mix I bought (as a going concern) is ok, please confirm.

The "yellow Lab

Convicts (breeding pair and Juvies)

Jewel Cichlid

and a green Severum

and 3 Ancestrus

oh and a really screwed up looking tetra that I cant catch.. if he lives all power to him

Advice or comments please

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Oh and your stocking list is very different most people keep lake fish together but I have seen the fish you have listed together with no problems they all adjust to different ph's, most likely if you like the africans you will slowly sell off the others as a few people who have kept tanks like this have but only time will tell :)

As long as you like it and everyone gets on I guess its ok..

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It does have barring and darkness around the mouth, not the worst ive seen but he did say it doesn't show up as much with the flash, you can try a change in diet but from what ive found diet related discolouring is little blotches not defined bars down the side of the fish.. Guess he can only try and find out :)

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Possible but id say unlikely as I haven't seen hongi in NZ (probably doesn't mean they aren't here) have seen plenty of yellow's around with barring and markings around the nose shape etc is perfect as far as I can tell its just people breeding from poor fish and not selecting nice fish to breed from but I haven't researched or looked into it at all..

You could spend all day going through profiles trying to speculate what could have bred with what but unless you actually bred the fish or saw the spawning you would never know.

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Now ive seen the hongi Id hazard a guess that it may be a cross, There are a couple of spots on his anal fin.

Meh I'm not likely to breed off him anyway.

As for the odd mix of fish, the fish came with the tank so they must get along..well as well as they can any way.

There is a PH overlap for all the species at 6.5-7 Ill try and get it nice and stable and see how they go, if not ill just have to get another tank :( .

Thanks for the input guys :hail:

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I wouldn't even start saying or even speculating things like a cross or anything like that.. Hongi and yellows are the same family so they will always bear similarities you could spend all day doing that and get nowhere :)

I hope everyone in your tank gets on well, I have brought tanks with weird fish mixed that lived together also, I had a tank of africans that had 2 "snapper fish" in it which turned out to be shredded bolivian rams, and a dwarf gourami also shredded with no fins, yes they lived together for a year but they didn't have a very good life and once separated out and with more suitable tank mates they did alot better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no doubt at all the fish in that pic is an Electric yellow

Yeah Hongi and Yellow will interbreed very very easily but I cant see anyhing that would suggest that has happened

I have seen alot worse Yellows then him

The black throughout the body is generally brought up by inferior foods and sometimes a diet high in Spirulina


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