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Skunk loach


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I had a skunk loach in my tank with a few other community fish, incl corys and snails - but as soon as I added my 4 bristlenose he chased these until he killed one and seriously harmed the other, which died after a day - I have removed the skunk loach to give my other two bristenoses a break, Is this common? I did have 6 of my borneos die unexpectanly when I introduced him - he is about 10cm

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Skunk loaches have a reputation for be rather nasty, not really a community species.

Take it back.

If you want loaches then look for Zebra, Yoyo or dwarf Chain loachs. Get several of them, one by itself will usually sulk. Clown loaches are great too, but they can eventually grow to 30cm long, ( but that takes YEARS)



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Clown loaches are great too, but they can eventually grow to 30cm long, ( but that takes YEARS)



yeah, like 15 to 20 years. my two are over two years old & are 7 to 8 cms.

As for the skunks, i had two in a community tank & they were almost never seen & weren't aggressive at all. If they have been in your tank a while you may want to try re-arranging their teritory so they dont have an area to defend.

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