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Soon to be new turtle owner - questions


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I will be getting two RES turtles soon and just wanted to make sure I have things right.

The tank doesn't have to cycle but the PH is important?

They will be fine with no stones and this will be easier to keep tank clean?

The light needs to shine directly onto the basking area not through glass. (I have a reptile bulb) Does this mean I should take the splash guard off my light as well?

Can you tell the sex when they are little?

I would be really grateful if you experienced turtle owners could answer my questions. I want to make sure get it correct from the start.

Thank you in advance :D

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It depends a bit on their age. With very young ones I leave the heatlamp on all the time (not $50 one from petshop but 2 for $2 from $2 shop) No filter but lots of water changes on babies but very big filter on adults. No stones for babies but big gravel for adults. Reptile light on for daylight hours on babies (no windows) Basking area by window in sun for adults. Feed good quality and varied food, I always have cuttlefish shell in tank. Feed as much plant as they want when they get interested. They don't eat plant when young. Make sure that you wash your hands after handling as (like many pets) they can carry salmonella.

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