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Green water problems


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I have a 34L tank with plants and a few fish. I have a horrible green water problem were the water is a murky green colur :( and you cannot see the back of the tank, but the fish to not seem to mind. I have have the correct material in the filter. It all started when I went on holiday and the water was not changed for 2 weeks. No mater how much water i change it always comes back. My nitrite is 0 so is ammonia.

What can I do to clean up the water apart from empting the whole tank?

:-? :-? :(:(

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When it happened to me I found that no matter how little of the green water was left in the tank, it would turn from a light green to a deep green in a couple of days, till I gave the tank some dark days with no light and a blanket over it. Greenish turned to quite clear and it was ok for a while. Now I have the tank where it gets sun and its always green, but I will solve that with some curtains sometime over the summer break.

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Putting a UV filter in should clear it pretty well. Either that or black out your tank for a few days might work - I have had green water survive for a three day blackout but other people report quite good success. UV filters are reasonably cheap. I bought mine for about seventy bucks. It's not large and works very well.

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Cutting down the light that the tank gets while doing some big water changes should help.

I'm battling the same thing in a 2ft tank that sits on my kitchen counter (by the window). It was fine there for six mouths, then summer comes along and the morning sun hits the tank now. GREEN city :o

Cant see the back of the tank :lol: I couldn't see the FISH unless they swam up to the glass! :o I have rearranged the pot plants to shade the tank and done about 6 x 50% water changes over the last 2 weeks. It's STILL green, but I can see the back of the tank now, so I'm winning.

The main problem is too much light and nutrients in the water. Best fix is less light and more water changes :)

Yes you can get algae killer in a bottle, but it's pretty much liquid weed killer... you really want to pour that in your tank ? :-?

The ultimate is a UV filter, works by suntanning the little algae plants to death as they circulate through the filter. No nasty chemicals dumped in the tank - much better.



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Do you have a nitrate test kit? Excess nitrate would be feeding algae.

Also excess phosphates...

As everyoen else said....water changes but also do some really thorough gravel vacuuming and cut dfown your feedign ALOT.

Who was feedign your fish while you were awy? They may have been overfed which could be why your problem started..

of and give your filter media a REALLY good rinse. Replace the filter wool if its very mucky.

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i've read that doing water changes when you have green water just makes it worse because the bacteria/algae that are making your water green love the fresh new highly oxygenated water that you are putting back in.

However, i have always just done huge water changes (90%) 3 or 4 days in a row, and it has always gone away for me....

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