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Bumblebee goby with Betta?


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Yeah the ones that normally come in through the suppliers are brackish bumblebee gobies... and they are sold to the LFS being kept in freshwater, well they arrive from suppliers in freshwater so... :roll:

They definately do alot better in brackish conditions and as Gannet said, they won't thrive in freshwater....

It's like when we kept the giant sailfin molly, they thrived so well and bred like nobodies in brackish... however, some keep them long term in freshwater and alot don't do so well.... Often they arrive from suppliers in freshwater and they often show signs of problems...

Even the spotted puffer is brackish... yet so many people say they are ok in freshwater... however I have known rather a few that after a while they snuff it.... I remember reading an article in a TFH mag on the spotted puffer... and it was written by a puffer fish expert and he was saying that keepers should do best by the fish and keep them in their required conditions... that being brackish.... yet people still insist that freshwater is fine and dandy for them :roll: :roll: I happen to agree that fish should be kept in their required water conditions... makes for alot happier fish... maybe you should start a brackish tank, they are alot of fun! :D

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Yeap Jasmine, we have a friend who kept them in full marine when they got large... but they can be kept long term in brackish if desired... yet the freshwater is the stage that should be passed if people want to keep them for a lengthy period, they are such awesome critters, I love watching them chow down on water snails... 8)

When we kept a brackish tank we did half freshwater, half saltwater... I am pretty sure the salinty for brackish is about 1.01 to 1.015... so easy to keep brackish too :D

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