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I'm about to introduce my male GBA to my new female!

I was just wondering if anyone could give me any tips for helping to breed them. I have 1 tunnel, 2 caves and one more on the way.

And is it best to leave the parents to raise the babys or should I try to raise them myself? I've got catfish in the same tank, would they attempt to eat the potential babys?

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I prefer zuchini over cucumber as it does not 'go bad' as quick and looks to have more 'substance' compared to cucumber which is more watery.

With regards to breeding, you can let the father raise the babies if you have a cave that allows him to block the entrance and keep the babies inside. Otherwise if the babies manage to get out, then they will become nibbles for other fish in the tank. You mentioned that you had other catfish in there - can you be a bit more specific?

The babies are typically most vulnerable within the first 5 - 7 days after hatching when they still have their egg yoke. Once this is consumed, they can manage on their own and will start to venture out of the cave.

Taking the eggs from the cave and raising them is quite easy as well - here is a thread about it. I prefer to remove the eggs and hatch them in a smaller separate tank as oppose to waiting for them to leave the cave and then spending ages trying to net them out which can be frustrating :evil:.

Good luck with however you choose to breed them 8).

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