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HELP!! Adult danio swimming odd... don't look good


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One of my Adult gold danios is swimming rather odd.....

swimming slightly to one side.... gills do look as if red :o :-?

What do I do NOW?? :-?

here's a pic's - sorry not a very good one.....

Daniogoldswimmingodd2.jpg HE'S THE ONE ON THE FAR RIGHT....ONLY JUST IN PIC

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Here's what tank looks like....

Sorry don't know levels as I don't have test kit. (bad move on my part!)

Daniotank.jpg NOTE: theres are few more plants added since this photo... Cameras gone flat..

Also I have just noticed little white worm looking things....... :-? :-? Don't like the look of this! Have done water change and found them in that....

Poor fish they have been so well and tank has fully cycled.... set up for a around 2 months ....no should be longer than that....???

I'm wondering if my last sucky fish or last lot of plants had something on them?? As all fish WERE fully healthy.

I have got 2 with fin damage but thought that this was them getting over the top with breeding..... ?? now not so sure :-?

Also looks as if I have white spot on a zebra.....??

I've been SO careful with these guys and tried to do everything right...

Tanks 215Ltr

has 20 assorted Daino's, 2 Borneo suckers, & 4 other suckers (don't remember the name.. :oops: :oops: sort of midnet catfish sucker I think?) so should be under the limit of fish...

Weekly water change

use TLC & Stress coat every time.

live plants

diftwood - fully washed beforehand

air stone

top mounted filter ... with noddles (even have extra) sponge, wool, and now Bio Chem Zorb....

heater - set at 23-24 ...... as high as I'd go with the Borneo sucker....

Even my stones are a mix of gold and black - mostly black becuase better for fish? - so I've read....??


Also if I put in a treatment what will this do too my filter media?? Will I then have to change it all??

oh I have put in tonic salt......

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Are the little white things mainly in the gravel and on the glass? If so thats probably just planaria and they are usually from feeding a little too much :wink: :lol: Cut back on the feeding a bit and do a good gravel siphon and you should see them start to dissappear.

Sorry i cant help with the danio, did it come on suddenly? Is it bloated? Eating normal?

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Sorry i cant help with the danio, did it come on suddenly? Is it bloated? Eating normal?

Only just noticed it yesterday... so I'd say its just started happening.....

Are the little white things mainly in the gravel and on the glass?

Mainly in gravel......

I'll cut right back on food..... :oops: (didn't think I was but maybe I am...over feeding? :oops: )

thanks for the tip. Hopefully someone will have some more ideas on whats going on with them.....

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Ok I finally got to a store today and brought a complete test kit. :bounce:

PH 7.6 (but that's high from tap)

Ammonia between 0 & 0.25 :) (think this maybe due to new wool I'd put in??)

Nitrite 0ppm

Nitrate 0ppm

I thought it was all goodish......as when its been high I've just known in my gut..

But all this STILL doesn't really help the fact that fish aren't well.....

WHAT NOW? :-? :( :-?

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Are these the ones that are breeding? Perhaps someones been a little rough at spawning time and damaged the swim bladder a bit?

YES.... which is why I'm extra worried....

do have a couple of Males that are a little over the top with spawning :wink: :roll: :wink: Chase the girls around and around and around and around... :o :lol: :lol: :wink: Feel rather sorry for them...

So what happens if swim bladder is damaged??? how can you tell??

and what about gold one with red gills?? - its also the one swimming sightly sideways...

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Well.... bad news.... :cry::cry: I've found 2 sucky fish dead today....

Really at a loss as to what is going on with tank and fish......

Don't know what to do??? Both fish had a white cotton wool look on bodies......Can't say when they died.... Haven't seen my Borneo for a week so.... :oops: :cry: Just thought it was hiding.... Now know other wise....

I'd understand more if tank was under weather but test were all okish only just getting ammonia - which I think is because I've just changed filter wool......

only thing new to tank (2 weeks ago) is some plants..... and borneo 2 1/2 maybe 3 weeks.....

:-? :(:o :-? :(:o

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It was probably fluffy because it had been there a while (fungus is oppertunistic). If it had fluffy stuff on it before it died then that would have meaned something weakened it and it took hold.

Not really sure how sensitive borneos are to ammonia and stuff.

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Really nice tank by the way!

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, not sure what you answered yes to but the filter wool, do you mean the one that holds the "good" bacteria that's not the one you changed is it?


Thanks Caper :bounce: :bounce: One trys

Sorry my heads a bit all over the place at the moment.....

Yes... it was the wool I changed......But I have noodles and sponge in filter as well - which I only just wash in tank water.....

I redid my readings just to make sure I was right with them....

everything it fine with these

PH 7.6 (high from tap)

Ammonia 0ppm

Nitrite 0ppm

Nitrate 0ppm

So trouble can't be from this........


Only thing I can come up with,is that when I brought my last lot of plants (2weeks ago) that there was something on them....or the Borneo (that has now die...) which I brought about 3 weeks ago..... he's been dead a week I would say....looked fine when I brought him so wouldn't have thought it would have been from him.....??? :-? :-? :-?

AS I said "feel like a fish out of water".... just don't know where to start....

DO I treat tank.....but then what with.....????

only thing I'm doing till I know what to do is....carefully watching readings, cuting back on feeds, and adding tonic salt when I do water changes....-hoping that will help other fish to fight what ever is making them sick.....

I did find again today (when I did water change) these little white worm looking things(been hiding under gravel). and have just noticed little greenish? crawly things ..... tried to take a pic but it didn't come out..... look a bit like a brine shrimp...but its not one....

HOPE this helps........ any ideas are FULLY welcome I'm totally clueless

on this one! :(

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if the worms are white free-swimming worms around 1 - 2 cms they are usually the result of over-feeding, and although harmless to your fish they may indicate you need to reduce the feedings. Once they run out of food they will die out. Not sure what the green things would be

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if the worms are white free-swimming worms around 1 - 2 cms they are usually the result of over-feeding, and although harmless to your fish they may indicate you need to reduce the feedings. Once they run out of food they will die out. Not sure what the green things would be

Cool thanks for your post.....

Sharn said same thing about worms..... I'll cut right back (any ideas on feeding for Danios :D )....hopefully someone will have some ideas on these others things.....

Gold danio hasn't got worse so that's something but is still swimming slightly side ways

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well one is still trying to sort out the problem with fish.... :(:(:(

Did a 55%+ water change last night hoping this would help add tonic salt again, vac gravel and removed diftwood only to find a dead zebra in hole of wood :cry::cry: .... think it may have been chased by the males :x and then couldn't get out???? but then anything could be possible at the moment... looked like it had been dead for a while :-? couldn't see it.....maybe this is why others are sick?

who knows :-?

only have 2 of one sort of sucky fish - others are dead....saw my last Borneo yesterday afternoon looked ok so here's hoping it will be ok....thinking I've losted two zebra danios :cry::(:cry:

Really hope this stops soon!! I don't like seeing my babies sick and dead.

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