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Sump for 550L tank please help


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i was thinking about using 2 canister filters but then thought about using a sump.

Which would be better?

If i use a sump would this pump do for getting the water back in to the tank or is it too powerful

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 519919.htm

Also how do i get the water to get from the tank to the sump at the same rate as it is pumping it back to the tank.

This tank is going to be a semi planted discus tank.

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I'd use two canisters, rather than a sump for a freshwater tank, but in answer to your question about sumps, you only pump water TO the tank. As the water level tries to rise, it runs out an overflow (you'll need to drill a hole in the back of the tank at the level you want the water surface to be) and gravity takes it to the sump, where the pump picks it up again and returns it.

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use an overflow box unless you get the tank drilled. the water will drain at the same rate as the water enters the tank if you use an overflow at the top of the tank if that makes sense. And that pump would be ok if you used a spraybar or something to disperse the flow

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