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Jebo Danio Eater


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Just wanted to share this with you all in case it explains a case of 'missing fish' for some of you.

My partner has a Jebo R338, in a tank with danios, bristlenose, and some blue rams. Now in these tanks flow is very high (400L/hr on a 38L tank), so to rest the danios would sleep near the filter pump.

The filter pump connection where the suction pipe attaches to, has a small hole. I haven't pulled it apart to identify exactly where but its definately there. Obviously used as a backup to prevent the filter from stalling in the event of a pipe blockage. (and yes the suction pipe is attached properly)

Anyway, the current isn't very strong, but it is strong enough to slowly move in a sleeping danio. Until I recently blocked this small hole, it had consumed 4 danios, and one baby bristlenose.

First time we noticed it, I found a zebra danio tail sticking out. Since then other fish have disappeared at night time, without leaving so much as a trace.

Definately a job for the hot glue gun.

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