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Jordanella Fl. spawning?!


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HI all,

I thought I had 3 females but my jordanellas seem to be spawning.

Can anyone tell me if it's the male that generally does the 'chasing'?

When I got them they all had spots at the rear of their dorsal fin. I think the spot has faded on one of them but it's a bit hard to confirm cause they're zooming all around my tank. They all have the black spot on their bodies but the one that seems to be doing the most chasing has alot less definition around that spot. Their dorsal fins really all look fairly similar to me. Doesn't help that my tank is now blue due to some meds I added cause one of them had white spots on its tail and a few on its body.

Can the females get confused and exhibit spawning behaviour amongst themselves? All 3 of them seem pretty involved!!

I did a BIG water change yesterday when I saw spots and everyone seems pretty frisky today despite a full dose of wunder tonic!

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Thanks anyway Barrie :)

I hesitated to post in this section anyway.. seems like J. Floridae is really not like your typical killie. I wonder what is it that classifies them as killies anyway?

Maybe I should have popped this in the breeding section.. I'm so convinced I have 3 females...I even got my partner to look at them (he couldn't care less about my fish and never pays them any attention so it really was a fresh set of eyes!) I asked if he saw any difference between the spots on their dorsal fins and he really didn't see a difference either.

I am very perplexed to say the least!

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Thanks Zev :) I found that page last night too.. it certainly the best info out there. I'll try to take some pics when my 'blue' is gone from the water.

They really are awesome little fish actually, quite the characters.

I'm pretty sure the fish were juveniles when I bought them so yes it may well be that I do have a male given that the spot on his body is now much less defined than the others.

What throws me though is that every source mentions the females vivid spot on the dorsal fin and it's really 'barely there' on all 3 of mine. The one who was behaving like a male is biggest. Which is consistent for males of the breed however the others may still be growing.

I'll be pleased if I do have a male as I was considering buying one anyway, but its certianly odd to suddenly think that a breed which is reputedly so easy to sex has got me fooled!! :oops:

I'm trying to recall if only one was doing the chasing now! Maybe I have 2 males and one female... one of the 3 is considerably smaller. Hmmm...

Never mind. It was fun to watch if nothing else! My partner thought I was going mad....I was in the other room and I was shouting at the 'action' like a crazed fan at a rugby match! :lol: :bounce:

I dont' expect antthing to hatch though with the meds in the water, apparenttly meth blue has negative effects on their eggs and I don't have enough cover anyway.. suspect most eggs would have been eaten although I couldn't see any :)

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I dont' expect antthing to hatch though with the meds in the water, apparenttly meth blue has negative effects on their eggs and I don't have enough cover anyway.. suspect most eggs would have been eaten although I couldn't see any :)

A lot of Killie keepers put a drop of Meth blue in the water with their eggs when they are hatching them, this is to help stop them fungusing - (is that a real word?)

I hate trying to sex fish, the more I look, the more confused I get!

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I thought so to.. but one reference I found said that it was bad for these fish.. the writer said they used acriflavine instead.

Anyway apparently it's bad for fry too and I'm sure my treatment wont be finished before anything hatched if it was going to. Never mind :) I remember what I did anyway so perhaps I can trigger another spawn someday and be ready for it..

I did a big'is water change....almost 50% water temp dropped by about 5-6degs then I had the lights out for almost 24 hours (cause I think the meds are affected by light so wanted maximum effectiveness in the first 24 hours plus they sometimes go a bit whacky with meds in there so had the extra benefit of keeping them calm). Within about 20 min of turning the lights on the next morning the fish were at it!

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  • 2 months later...

I didn't actually.. I can only say they still exhibit spawning sort of behaviour fairly regularly!! I really should post some pics but I've tried before and they don't co-operate with side on shots.. they insist on turning towards me and acting like they're about to die of hunger!! :lol:

I can say there is definitely only one acting 'male'. It's the biggest.

The 2 smaller ones have a better defined spot on the body and show the sort of chequerboard pattern but also show a deeper blue sheen around their spot. The 'male' is actually kind of plain.. which is why I'm unsure. He appear to have better defined red stripes around his lower back half but still has a pretty well defined black spot on the dorsal fin. So I'm pretty confused :)

Actually...on a slightly unrelated matter can you tell me if yours have a 'change' at the end of their tail fins? Mine seem to have a narrow-ish band that seems finer all along the outer edge of their tails fins... I wanted to make sure this isn't some sort of tail rot.

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ok. tried to get some pics. The ones that I think are female wouldn't co-operate. But they are both darker in colour..more olive.. while the male seems slightly yellower green with fewer dark markings on him.

The second photo,same fish (sorry about the focus), shows the tail fin 'stripe' I'm talking about. They all have it. Is this normal? Looking at the pics is actually looks like the gill is a little too pink also!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine Came from Carla on here. Billaney bought a breeding trio as well at the same time.. dunno if he's had any success in spawning them.

I like these fish alot.. but they are a bit rough which is fine if you plan for it. They are fin nippers but don't swim real fast so my other fish can get out of their way *most of the time*!. I have mine with WCMM and leopard fish but I think I'm going to take them out and put them on their own. I want to swap in my borneo suckers and there is no way the jordanellas would leave any food for them. I also suspect they might hammer them to bits fighting over the sinking pellets as I've seen them do with the odd shrimp pellet!! They're sort of like little bulldogs! (look like them too really!)

I was thinking of putting them with a few red mollies for colour. I think they're about the same size and mollies don't have flowing fins so should be safe. (I wouldn't get sailfins though!). Their colours are subtle and pretty but would benefit from something else to set them off I think :).

I may just leave them on their own though :) Maybe buy a proper male as I think in my situation I just have a female acting macho!

They're real characters and fun to watch. They eat algae off the glass and plants and stones.. but if they run out of algae they will turn to the softer leaved plants as they require some vegetable matter in ther diet. I use spirulina flakes and the odd pea.

Oh.. and mine made it quite happily through the winter in my cold tank which was down near 12 for alot of the time (with good colour and in very good condition) so they don't need a heater.. some websites say they like tropical temps but if you look at their origins they would be quite used to the winter variation in temps. I've now got them in a tank with a heater set to 20-21.. but if I swap them out they'll be going cold again this winter if they're on their own.

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