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Missing Clown Loach

Scuba Sam

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Hi there, I went to the LFS and purchased three clown loaches yesterday. Two hours after I introduced them to the new tank at home, there are only two!!! No sign of a fish on the floor, and can hardly blame the cats coz they stay away from that tank. Buried? How deep can they go? Your comments please... :)

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These guys will maybe hide for a few days once you get them home, but once they are comfortable in their new surroundings they do live up to their namesake.

Visually check all logs, driftwood, caves etc and you may find their hiding place.

My largest loach will remind me its dinner time by swimming from the bottom to the top of the tank and stop and look at me right next to me while Im sitting on the couch.

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They WILL cram themselves in to tiny locations. Check behind and inside your filters, and in small crevices etc in any ornament.

They're known by locals as 'stupid fish' because when scared they will squish themselves in to any cave like object (including the containers used for fishing clown loaches).

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Hi guys, thanks for all your suggestions. Still only two loaches this morning. Definitely not under or behind filter or heater, but I hadn't thought about taking apart the filters - I have two Aqua One 103F internals, so they could probably fit inside there - I found a cory sticking out of the outlet once. Will pull filters apart tonight and look. Thanks for suggestions. Oh and I did doubt my sanity and wonder if there were only two in the bag from LFS, but there were definitely three!!


Sam :D

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My largest loach will remind me its dinner time by swimming from the bottom to the top of the tank and stop and look at me right next to me while Im sitting on the couch.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Let us know if your loach appears!


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Hi guys, thanks for all your suggestions. I went home on Thursday and stripped both internal filters down. Carefully examined the heater which has a cover. The only possible way there is a clown loach hidden in that tank is if he has buried himself below a layer of round black stones!! And stayed there for several days now!! Have avoided a gravel vac up til now, just doing a surface water change just in case, but not that hopeful.

So the only other possibility is that he flew out of the tank, either of his own accord (a portion of the lid was off) or hoiked out by a high climbing cat (they don't climb on this particular tank, just the other two!!)

At any rate, I am resigned to being one loach short, and am enjoying the two clown loaches I do have. Thanks for all the help so far.


Sam :cry:

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