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NitraZorb - remove or just detoxify?


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Would the water test still show as having Nitrite present after having used Nitrazorb? Does it completely REMOVE the Nitrite, and therefore show up as nil on the test, or does it just DETOXIFY the Nitrite, and therefore still show up on the test, but it's not considered as harmful??


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Nitrazorb removes the nitrite from the water and stores it in the exchange resin. However, if the tank is too big for the amount of resin it will have a little effect. One Nitrazorb pillow will remove 1ppm nitrite from 75L of water. If the tank is 200L or more it will have little effect.

Also, if nitrite is still being produced it may appear the Nitrazorb hasn't done anything. At least it can be recharged and used again. As Hans says, keep up the water changes. You can still use the pillow as it will help until your filter is working well enough to cope with the load.

I'd also look into why you have nitrites to start with...

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Because it was a new tank and not cycled properly and overstocked - long story but we were not told how to set up a new tank with a biological filter - just told we could put all our fish in straight away and do once fortnightly water changes... we found out too late that that was TOTALLY wrong. That's all on another very long thread... :cry:

Ammonia and nitrite are nil now, but the effects must be irreversable as fish are still slowly getting sick and dying even 4 days after the water tested all clear.

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