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Setting up a NZ Freshwater tank


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Does anyone here have a NZ Freshwater tank? I am looking at getting some Koura and was wondering if anything could live with them without being dinner? Also, what's a good substrate for the tank since they like to burrow? Smallish rocks? What about water current, should I add some powerheads to make it more like a stream with flow?

Any help would be appreciated :D


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no idea about the tanks but i can tell you this:

when we were young'uns we would go searching for koura in the creeks around havelock north.

they tend to hang around in shaded, slower moving parts of the creeks, usually with a muddy bottom or hiding under logs and roots. although we looked we never found any in the gravelated waters. this point is probably mute due to artistic lisence.

most of the creeks were devoid of any plant life save the occasional border of watercress/puha and the long slimy green weedy stuff. they probably live in nicer places but we didn't have any around so they had to make do.

and the water was always *cold* but i was smaller then... i don't know what their actual requirements would be like, but i would assume under 18degC

trout eat them; i only know this from gutting trout - you find small koura or parts thereof. planning on keeping trout? :wink: though i would assume that they only eat things smaller than themselves.

good luck!

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in answer to the crayfish question. The napier seahorse farm (yes here i go again with the seahorse farm) sells them. They are a certain breed that is like normal crayfish but bred to be smaller. You can keep the captive bred crayfish, but you must keep your reciept to prove where you have got the crayfish from as they are considered under size. here is the link if you want to know more

http://www.theseahorsefarm.co.nz/sales_ ... freshwater

Chris if you want to know more about the native nz fish ask these guys, they also sell them and could point you in the right direction

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