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tropheus eggs


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As Ryan has said they probably wont be free swimming but close. Tropheus can hold for like 6wks also, I have stripped at 7 and 10 days old and they needed another weekish to free swimming I think.

As Ryan also said you need to have some air bubbles/movement in whatever you put them in after stripping. Is it her first holding?

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Hmmm.....Thats weird, must have to do with temperature perhaps cause mine have been wrigglers/half swimmers at that age as their stomach/egg sack is to big for them to swim properly.

:oops: Sorry I didnt pick up on the earlier thread I do remember it now :roll:

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It will probably take the male a few times to get it right, from what ive read its quite common for the first few spawn's to be unsuccessful due to the male.. I'm sure the next few times will go well for you :)

I'm surprised that the female held unfertilized eggs for that long?

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pictures would be great!! may as well keep them on this thread...

do any of you guys know if a protein skimmer would work on a tanganyikan tank? i know that they dont work on fresh water but do you reckon, if the water was hard enough with calcium salts etc and not sodium chloride, it could work? or is NaCl required for the ionic precipitation process to work?

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I know you can buy surface skimmers for freshwater tanks I have one here that I brought with all my tanks etc for a fluval have never used it or seen the need.. What are you trying to achieve?

I think I read on the net somewhere the other day that some jullie breeder used skimmers on his freshwater tanks to eliminate any overfeeding or anything. Id rather just not overfeed and do water changes..

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Awesome man how many females do you have ? Let me know when you have some for sale :)

Regarding the skimmer I probably wouldn't bother your obviously doing something right if your fish are all happy healthy and breeding :) If you want to get nitrates down you might have to do water changes more often.. If it ain't broke don't fix it :)

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