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life cycle of black beard algae ????

Graeme Holden

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nothing and I do mean nothing, has changed in the tank apart from oxygen plant and black beard algae is dying, not worried about the o2 plant but the black beard has been so hard to get rid of I just wondered if it has a terminal life cycle. It is in a 2ft tank that has baby platies that are not at all interested in it, no filter, heated, aerated and probably a little more so recently because of the platies growing up, and feed and light is normal and no changes, water only been added to counter evaporation. One possible clue is that the valisneria in the same tank is now quite stunted but healthy, ambulia still growing, same as indian fern. Last time I tried to treat this tank was many months ago with no success so just decided to use it as a fairly natural breeding tank

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I think you'll find it'll just keep growing so long as it can get enough nutrients - algae tends to grow less if there are fewer nutrients in the water, but eradicating it is near to impossible. Just remove as much as you can and try to lower the nutrient content of the water (feed less, more water changes, more circulation).

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