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kooli loach problem

sid 201

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Hi all -I've 4 small loaches in my quarentene (20 liter aprox)tank and was to put them in my main tank this week, one of them is in trouble though .

I spotted it going madly in tight circles this morning and didn't think any thing of it, i've just got in from work and found it curled up and breathing heavily.

i've done a big water change and added an extra airstone...it's all i can think of right now .

fish seems ok otherwise -no wounds that I can see and colour seems ok

tanks small but ive been doing small(20 %ish) water changes every other day, temp normal (28 deg c)

the other fish are hiding which seems to be the norm saw them all yesterday though- so I dont know what they're doing

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I lost 2 Marble, 2 Zebra and 1 kuhli the same way! The water parameters were all OK, did weekly 1/3 water changes religously cleaned the gravel, had plants. All other fish (Tetras, Rams, BN's) were all fine and one Kuhli survived it and 1 year on is still fine. There were no unusual physical signs on the fish though I did notice some hemoraging in the fins at the latter stages and rapid breathing. Once they started doing the rapid circular swimming they were goners with in 24 hrs! Added airation did not help.

I can sympathize with you as they were my favourite fish and don't know to this day what it was and am too scared to get more until I find out!

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Unfortunatly lost all 4,one disapeared compleatly and i couldn't find him amongst the weed and gravel I'd in the tank for them, 2 died quite quickly and the 4th I had to euthanise as he was obviously in serious distress after a couple of days--sad i still dont know what happened -at one point nitrates were a little higher than I'd like (not bad though) but the regular(daily) water changes did nothing to help.

I'd like to get more but I've kind of lost confidence now

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Hi Sid. Sorry to hear that and I know the feeling. I joined the Loaches Online forum to try to get some answers but it was all a bit of a mystery. Jim Powers did however find a similar problem with Hillstream Loaches which he suspected was a disease brought in on an unquarantined fish. His symptoms are patchy color loss, and will often include rapid breathing. Death is usually very swift from the onset of symptoms. Sometimes a fish can seem healthy and feeding, only to be dead in a few hours and other hillstream owners had experienced similar deaths. He did manage to treat it with antibiotics (Maryacyn-Two)!

I talked to the shop I got mine off to see if they had heard similar problems but not surprisingly they said no..... wouldn't want to admit liability, so can't be sure it was disease :-?

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