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Water suddenly gone quite cloudy.


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Hi all

This is a surprise really, I came home at about 4.30pm today and noticed water has gone quite cloudy.

Two weeks ago today, in fact at this exact time, I added a Fluval 405 filter (inside with 2X sponge, 2X carbon trays, 2X Biomax Ring trays).

So tank has been running with both my Internal Eheim 2010 and this Fluval 405, though I plan to remove the Eheim in 2-3 weeks time.

Before with only the Eheim Internal, my water never really goes cloudy, it may go very slightly cloudy after feeding but disappears after 2-3 hours.

After I added the Fluval the water NEVER EVER goes cloudy, always crystal clear.

Now what could have caused this sudden cloudiness?


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It will be a bacteria bloom. your water will probably go green next :-?

Got a tank that is just about over it. Ive had it heaps on the past and i've just sat it out, but this time i got sick of it real quick so ive been doing 90% water changes most days and its pretty much gone. Either sit it out, or do HUGE (and i mean huge... no point doing 50% ones as the highly oxygenated water that you put in aparently feeds the algae bloom and makes things worse, so do 70% plus) or just sit it out... can take a while....

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Just want to make sure I'm not overfeeding, here is what I feed everyday.

1 cube of bloodworm (intended for clown loaches & rams)

1 small pinch of flake food (tetras & Swordtails)

4-5 Hakari dried sinking pellets (mainly cories, other fish eat it as well)

1 slice of courgette (bristlenose, also eaten clown loach and siamese algae eater)

and occasionaly 1 or 2 algaes spirulina tablet, about twice a week.

25-30% water change every wednesday.

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When you feed the bloodworm, do you wash it off first? I say that because the 'juice' itself is high in phosphates, and excess phosphates will cause algae. I put my cubes of bloodworm into one of my fish nets (the finest one) and run them under the tap until they are defrosted and all the juice is gone.

Oh, and id say that you could be feeding a little bit too much. Id cut the bloodworm blocks back to one every 2 or 3 days. Your fish will be creating alot of waste by eating bloodworm everyday, along with other foods.

I dont feed my fish every night. some of them i do, like the ones im breeding/trying to breed/getting ready to breed/or fry, but my usual old display fish only get fed 4 or 5 times a week.

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I wash the bloodworms in a a little bottle of tank water, expell the water, then put the bloodworms in.

I think I maybe feeding a little too much as well, but the clown loaches don't seem to eat much of anything else, so I would like to get them to eat everyday.

Also as many of you know I lost a small clown loach due to the skinny disease a while back, now there's two remaining, one is FAT and healthy, the other is also very skinny but is doing fine, it's constantly being bullied by the big fat one which is frustrating.

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I think they will be fine with a cube every two days, but if you are a bit worried maybe try missing one or two days a week feeding of the entire tank, and see what happens? they will be fine for one day, and will even go up to 10 days or so before they start to really suffer, so don't think you are starving them by missing a meal or two

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