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Its good to do top ups at 12.30am


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was doing the rounds, feeding and turning lights off. got to the last tank, a jebo R338, which lives on the desk.

noticed the water level was getting too low, filter was almost out of the water.

got a plastic jug and proceeded to top up the tank.

i had just filled the jug for the 3rd time (2L jug) to do final amount. got to tank and heard running water. (there is a distinct difference in the sound of a filter running and water running on to carpet)

told mark to move "now" as he was sitting at the desk.

pulled the plugs instantly on a 6 way box. 3 plugs to the tank, 1 for speakers, a complete computer system and the modem :roll:

looks like water had been slowly dripping all day, but no one was home to notice.

the filter wool had become so full of gunk that the water was flowing into the overflow outlet, which was blocked by more gunk, so water had nowhere else to go but out through the lid, down the back of the tank, and on to the floor.

Lesson learned today: always check on the filter media in the desk tank as it will keep flowing even when its full :lol:

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Hmm ive contemplated setting one of these up on my desk at work (someone on a floor below has a small WCMM tank on his) unfortunately theres not a whole lot of room, what you got stocked in yours?

In my home 338 i used the stock noodles for a jebo 819 which was a bit understocked and just use a layer of filter wool in the 338; as its quite thickly planted the usual gunk is plant debris etc which can clog up the wool however when it stops flowing through fully it flows straight over the wool and out the hole on the other side of it e.g. comes up from left side over filtration media and onto right side hole, this prevents any spillages occuring.

Also i noticed a slow trickle of filtered water back into it even after cleaning/changing filter wool so took out the intake nozzle to the powerhead and it was pretty chockablock of gunk :P anyways now its running alot better so that can happen as well ;)

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