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Cloudy water, change?


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2 of my tanks are cloudy...one more so than the other. I was checking some old posts here & one of the suggestions for cloudy water in an establised tank was overfeeding...I thought I was doing fine :oops: , but just in case...anyway, the suggestion was not to feed for 3 days...what do you think??????

I will test in the morning. But the other question is...I should still do my water change, right?


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Thanks Ira :bow:

So...do you think I should stop the feeding for 3 days? The cloudiness has been "visible" for a couple of weeks now but basically just enough to notice. But when I came home tonight & turned the lights on in the 29 gallon, I was shocked to see how cloudy it has become :o


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Just flakes, with the exception of last night & tonight algae discs.

I don't feed my fish on Sundays & usually the goldies get their peas on Monday. But they haven't had them in a couple of weeks or more, I keep forgetting to get them when I get groceries :-?

Oh, and last Saturday cucumber (put in at night, took out next day before cleaning tank).

Funny you should mention pellets. I picked up shrimp pellets for the first time tonight. But as usual, wanted to check with you folks as far as feeding with them.


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My tanks go cloudy occasionally, but it has nothing at all to do with feeding, it's caused by the water changes

Mine do sometimes after a water change...but it usually clears within a couple of hours or so.

Cleaning filters:

-every 2 weeks change the filter that has the carbon in it

-once a month (occasionally a week or 2 more) I take them apart & give them a good cleaning while doing the monthly maintenance the bio

filter(s) sit in the last bucket of water I removed from the tank

Water changes:

-water changes: usually weekly (although on occasion is has been longer, but that is rare) 29 gallon tanks - 27 liters; 10 gallon, 9 liters (I'm lousy at metric, I know the liters by the markings on the bucket :-? :oops: )

Yep, use a gravel vac

Oh my gosh, I just tested my tanks...the ammonia in the goldies tank was 1. I have had my tanks over 2 years now & it is the first time this has happened. I immediately did a 50% water change. Any ideas as to why this could have happened????? Nothing new in the tank other than a couple of artificial plants, they hadn't been used in quite awhile but I rinsed them really well.

So, what makes an established tank's ammonia to go up????


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