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Goldfish dying, please help!


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Hey all,

Recently got my pond up and running (approx 30,000+ litres) added two pair of nice big goldfish, (and two little shub's) about two/three months ago.

this morning i went down to do the usual fish out a few leaves, fix any lillies that had been knocked over (nastey puhkekos) and i see one of the female fish sitting on the edge of the bank, so i grab a net and fish it up to see it was still moving/breathing but half of its scales have falled off, its tail half gone, and just looks bad.

i know thats not much to go off, and ive never kept goldfish before (only when i was a kid) so im not too sure what has happened. maybe one of the local ducks have flowen into the pond and got it? or a kingfisher? hearring? puhkeko?

but then it would have taken the whole fish out to eat?

i have taken her home and put in a hospital tank tonight, with a bit of melafix.

any ideas?

snapped a few photos too, so when i have time ill throw them up.


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You'll throw them up? :o Why did you eat them in the first place? :lol:

Have the fish been spawning? I know it is early but I have heard reports of some doing so. Too cold down here yet but spawning could rough a fish up like that. You need more females than males to spread the aggression.

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  • 2 weeks later...

30,000 is a wild guess, a bit of a leg-pull (if ya know what i mean :wink: :oops: )

we have a 1000 litre water tank, and i guessed it would take about 30 of those to roughly full it. :o

last year my boss bought some new land, and it had this small pond in it, fed by a natural spring, so when we had the diggers in pulling the old orchard out we got the guy to make it abit bigger (just abit) anyway ts been a year now have a few plants planted and such.

i think this had better go under another topic. so ill make one and put some photos up sometime.

but its big! a good 1m/1.2m at the deepest part (middle of where we added) did have a 1.5m/1.8m (deep) part, it didnt look right so we fulled it in, took about 6 or 7 truck (hino tipper) loads (30cubic mitres of soil?) to full it in. (small tidal wave!)

anyway the fish isnt going too well, and the others aint in there.

i think 30+ years of no fish being in there, the birds (herrins/ kingfishers)

didnt think to fly over to look for food, hence why they lasted a few months. but for them all to dissapear overnight (kinda, didnt see them for a couple days) and one left which looked beaten up, is kinda sad.

someone mentioned eels? we are close to a stream (not quite a river, but there is whitebait there!) so that crossed my mind.

we done a water analysis when we got the place, didnt show anything bad at the time.

im hunting for a couple of test kits to check some other stuff

im having a second thought about putting turtles in there now, with the birds and all. then again they're not as easy to spot being the fish were bright orange and all?

id love to put my turtles in it, that is the plan anyway. have about 60/70 lillies in there (3 diff vars, not sure of colours yet they are just budbursting!), some starting to flower, a few water irises and another couple diff water plants.

we are also going to fence arround it to keep the turtles in (having the wire netting 200mm into the ground) and put a couple of sand pits under the trees and such.

anyway enough about that, already gone waaay offtopic. (im sorry :roll: )

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