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Another Newbie - with a question!


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I have always just dipped the testtube under at the top of the water. Never heard of anyone being told to take it from the bottom. As said, if you have proper filtration the water circulation would ensure readings were identical top and bottom.

Anyone want to do some test readings and see if they get different results?

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ok, an update on this

Seriously though....is there anyway the association can lobby for better access to some basic fish meds? Prazi is a well recognised medication (it's even mentioned in the Merck's Vet manual online).

Surely we should be able to buy it in liquid form in suitable fish-sized containers?

been in touch with some one i know that was working for a drug company for pets, the problem is that not alot of vets are willing to give their support to new product lines for cats & dogs let alone fish!! i was told to get in touch with brooklands but unless there is a real demand it just wont happen. at this stage the best thing everyone can do is to either pester fish product suppliers or someone find a supply & have a backyard business & supply us all! sorry it wasn't more helpful but now im just waiting for a responce from someone else.

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