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Not my smartest purchase...


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Was out with the girl on the weekend, shopping for some Blue Rams for her tank (which she totally loves now) down at Animates Melling.

Was looking around the tank and the cutest thing comes out, a baby clown knife. Kind of odd seeing it in with dwarf cichlids and baby angel fish, but it was small enough to not be a bother. Sure enough the little animates badge was there, and it did say it grows to 100cm. Still shocked/suprised to see a clown knife at animates.

Needless to say I couldn't help myself and took him home ($50 later). So now I have to plan for when he is a metre long! Fun fun. He's about 10-12cm long.

Awesome fish though. He's settled in to his tank with a small Geo, a triplet of teenage gold severums, and some bristlenose. Due to their shape I always worried that they'd get beaten up when small, but definately not the case. When bothered he snaps, and the cichlids know already not to take him on, but unlike the Geo, he doesn't unnessecarily bully the other fish. So I'm very happy with my purchase, despite the fact I'm going to need big tanks again.

Did anyone else get any of these? I'm guessing there must have been a batch bought in by the importers.

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Cheers for the advice, always welcomed! :)

PracticalFishkeeping recommends a 48 x 18 x 18 for a single, which is what he's in now, BUT I had certainly planned for him to be in a much bigger tank later. At least double that (capacity not dimensions).

For the meantime he is only tiny, and the 4 footer seems like overkill at the moment. We've made two oversized caves, big enough for him to feel safe and shettlered while still letting us see him. He's allocated himself a territory underneath a 2ft long piece of bark. If the severums get to close he turns perpindicular to them and does a small dance to persuade them to think again, and he just snaps at the Geo (who is a serious bully).

When he's elsewhere in the tank he's polite and not a bully at all.

I will move the bristlenose with the severums when I do the change around, but can't until the Jaguar is moved on to a new home. Hutt Pets have agreed to take him on, so that's the plan at the moment. He's not as full of personality as I'd hoped, and if I use him as a way of getting rid of excess fish, he wont eat his pellets for two weeks or so (he is now). I think he'd be much better for an owner who feed live fish, which he gets very very very excited over.

If anybody wants a grumpy Jaguar let me know ;) Good way to keep convict populations under control. Also a fantastic digger.

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Rather stoked to see my guy likes shrimp meat. He'll come out of his cave when he smells it, rips it off the cichlids, and swallows it hole.

If its too big, he swallows it anyway, and does the 'spit then chew' thing for the next hour or so until its all done. One big guts. When he's chewing oversized bits, I notice he keeps going to the surface, not sure what he's doing but he only does it when his mouth is completely gagged with food.

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