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Curled leaves


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Hi just introduced a cryptocorne ciliata in the tank a week ago, but its leaves are always curled. After a water change it tends to curve it a little bit more, and the curls are lengthwise. No change in colour of the leaves, and I don't think its its melting as its throwing our new leaves but just curious why that it is all.

Tanks specs are 108 watts over 50 gallons, ph 6.5 with diy carbon and jbl ball fertiliser with weekly fluorish and daily fluorish excel. temp 26-28 celsius. Thanks!


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It may be that the plant was grown emersed or by hydroponics and is struggling to adjust to submersed growth. Was it in a wee pot with rockwool when you bought it---if so it had been grown by hydroponics. If grown emerse it is harder to tell but the new leaves will be different to the old. If the leaves all melt just leave it and it should grow new leaves and be OK. C. ciliata is pretty hardy and should be OK with the conditions you describe.

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With hydroponics the roots are in an inert media and the nutrients are present in the liquid around the roots. Often the leaves are kept more moist with sprays etc but that can also cause disease and algae problems.

I grow mine in pots like potplants. They develop different root systems because with the hydroponics the nutrient is "right there" so the roots don't develop so much because they don't have to go searching. The roots are also often restricted because they are in little pots. Both systems have emersed leaves and the problem can be in converting the leaves to submersed. Cryptocoryne generally have spectacular flowers if you can grow them emersed but the problem often is that when you buy it, it is half way to submersed and wil no longer grow emersed.l

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