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Fish for a 21cm cube?


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I Have almost finished my diy canister filter i plan on using in this tank, All i have to do is make filter media baskets and find some filter media to use.

I have some Ammonia remover for a AquaClear 20 Filter Same as this- http://www.arcatapet.com/item.cfm?cat=12525.

And i was wondering if i should use this. Does it actually help control Ammonia?

I also plan on using some BioNoods and some sponge or filter wool.

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I have some Ammonia remover for a AquaClear 20 Filter Same as this- http://www.arcatapet.com/item.cfm?cat=12525.

And i was wondering if i should use this. Does it actually help control Ammonia?

I have just added my 3 glolight tetras.

And on the heater in the tank and all suction caps slimey layers of white stuff and i am wondering why?

If i rub it off with my fingers it comes of slowly and looks with white flake food. Any Ideas?

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I always get that white slimy stuff. just wipe it off if you want, but it wont do any harm to your tank/fish

I got some of that in my tank the other day too! Never noticed it before although having said that it was a while since I'd bought a new heater. Glad to know its not dangerous I was a little bit worried lol.

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i Have a huge brown algae problem at the moment. THe tank gets a couple hours of direct sunlight a day atm because i havnt had my shelf made yet. What would be the best way to control it? Should i take all ther plants out they are mostly covered in algae.

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Blocking the direct sunlight would be good.

I found that the last couple of tanks I setup got that ginger/brown alage/diatoms (whatever) too. After a few weeks the ramshorns cleaned it up rather well. We do have one 21l tank in my daughters room, and she hates snails with a vengence- so there are none in her tank, and the ginger stuff is still there after six weeks!

I have sent your plants - there should be a few snails for you hiding amongst the leaves!

If you don't want the snails, remember to dip them in potassium permanginate before you put them in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have now ended up with just a male betta in here now because i got him given to me and it was the only tank that suited him and he didnt like the tetras. SO i plan on having this tank just for him and 2-3 females but i dont think it is big enough for them to be together as i have been told he will chase them too much so i will have a divider in between the male and females. and use another tank for breeding.

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