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Discus with whitespot


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tank does get a bit of direct sun during the day although the temperature does seem to stay around the 27 degree mark. I would have tought if toxins were to be an issue that it would of affected all of the discus in the tank? I'm hoping to reduce stress in the tank by rehousing the golden and honey gourami this week. Todays the third day of a combined furan and metro treatment and they do appear to be doing better. The finrot on the melon seems to have stopped, ever since i bought him he's had a smal hole in his ventral fin which looks to be healing over since he's been in isolation, still having trouble getting him to eat but he must be eating something as i saw him passing faeces today. The turq also seems better, and seems to be spitting his food less. Fingers crossed :)

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tank does get a bit of direct sun during the day although the temperature does seem to stay around the 27 degree mark. I would have tought if toxins were to be an issue that it would of affected all of the discus in the tank? I'm hoping to reduce stress in the tank by rehousing the golden and honey gourami this week. Todays the third day of a combined furan and metro treatment and they do appear to be doing better. The finrot on the melon seems to have stopped, ever since i bought him he's had a smal hole in his ventral fin which looks to be healing over since he's been in isolation, still having trouble getting him to eat but he must be eating something as i saw him passing faeces today. The turq also seems better, and seems to be spitting his food less. Fingers crossed :)

Toxins will weaken all the fish, but only the ones that are stressed will show symptoms - the others just feel bad. Showing weakness is a great way of getting attacked and eaten in the wild. The Metro will be 'giving him the shits' - it is very hard on digestive tract bacteria and it'll be pooing that out (same thing happens to people who take it for too long). Personally I think that the Metro won't be of any real use and would stop treatment, but continue with the Furan.

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Some updates,

Red melon is looking good with new tissue growing at the margins of the fins. He also appears to behaving 'normally'. When i got him a couple of months ago he was always quite lethargic and almost seemed stupid (sounds kind of weird but i would always see him looking at his reflection in the glass, tilting sideways and lacked interest in food, except for the odd bloodworm which he would peck at). The last two days he has accepted eating tetrabits for the first time ever and has been eating bloodworms with a real enthusiasm. He also has stopped spitting his food, he used to always do this, and the last two days he hasn't spat out any of his food. Also he used to have a hole in the base of his ventral fin, i assumed it was a scar and would never regrow, however it has now healed over :D

The blue turq is also showing improvment, his hole i think is shrinking, his behaviour is back to normal, excited to see me and his food. However he is still spitting his food even though he seems excited about it. He grabs it chews it spits it out, grabs it again etc ( he never used to do this). I treated them both for metro for 6 days and furan for around 8 days with 50% water changes daily. Now they both on just daily water changes. The tank with the turq in it had a sponge filter and airstone but the water was a bit slimeyish so now it has a 700lph cannister filter running on it (tank is only 30L :o ).

Red melon






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Update Red melon seems to be fully healed and eager to break out of his small prison so will transferring him back to the main tank this weekend. Ive added mosquito larvae to his diet which he absolutely loves. The transparent edge of his fins in the photo below are the new growth, can anyone tell me if the colour will return to the fin edges?


Still not sure on the blue turq, hole is taking a long time to heal, he seems better some days a bit listless other days, and his appetite is still not back to where it was before he got sick, heres a pic of the hole.


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