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Good Luck, Edward Elric!


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Just thought I'd say good luck to my little Eddy who has gone to a new home until after I've shifted and find a new place I could possibly keep her.

The tank is soooo peaceful now she is gone. The other fish can't believe they can eat their food without getting half-eaten themselves!

I hope she enjoys growing a bit in a pond environment. The tank was getting entirely too small for her.

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Hey Janelle! You beat me to it.. I wanted to give you an update on 'Eddy'.

(I should ask where his name comes from.. it's definitely unique!)

I did some tank 'juggling' this morning.

I have a 30L tank and a 90L tank.

The 90L was a bit understocked and I was going to add some fish in the next couple of months.

The 30L had 3 Female American flag fish (Jordanella Fl.) and 4 white clouds. I was planning on shifting the WCMM's into my 90L anyway and buying a male Flag fish to put in there BUT....

Given the new arrival I popped all my fish from the 30L into the 90L and gave Edward the run of the smaller tank (along with those 4 WCMM's until they go to their 'summer home').

There's no heater in there but that tank has been up at 20-21 the last few days so she seems perfectly happy. (I'm pretty sure its 'she') Once the WCMM's go (maybe a week or 2) I will add 3 very small shubunkins of my own (no bigger than my pinky finger!) so that she has some company. Once the pond warms up properly, she can go out there. I know that tank is small'ish but she's not that big and we're only talking about 6 weeks or so (there's a thermometer in the pond so we'll know when the time is right!)

The plants in that tank were not doing so well anyway so I wasn't worried about him eating or uprooting them! Plus the flag fish have been put to work on that string algae I mentioned to you in my bigger tank (They LOVE string algae and got right into it!)

Oh.. tell me what type of food she was scoffing and I'll get him some until she adjusts to other stuff. I know you showed me but I forgot!! :oops:

Don't worry about the pond. She'll be fine out there and I'll post a photo once she gets moved. Those fish at the rental are well and truly 'ours' so once you've got a spot for her you can have her right back. Maybe she'll breed and you can have her back with some 'little eddies' when the time comes!

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Thank you for that, jn. Yes, she's still very little but certainly nowhere near as little as when I first bought her! 30L should be fine, considering she was sharing her 80L with about 30 other fish anyway!!

While you were picking up the fish I should have shown you her namesake as we had a lot of posters on the wall with the original "Edward Elric" on them, but I wasn't thinking about it at the time, sorry! However, if you put Edward Elric into Google you'll very quickly come across some pictures of an animation-style, blond-haired boy with black clothes and a red cape. It's a good resemblance, don't you think? =)

Eddy was eating Aquarian brand sinking shrimp pellets for bottom feeders, originally intended for the peppered corys. She liked those so much she hadn't gone to the surface for flakes in the last couple of months but instead hung around the bottom of the tank waiting to see where the corys congregated before gatecrashing their parties.

I don't think I would worry too much about what to feed her as she was also spoilt on frozen bloodworms, frozen mysis shrimp and live whiteworms on a fairly regular basis (probably one reason she grew so much). Daphnia and microworms also went into the tank but I think they are too small for her to bother with now. She also loves eating the insides of peas all mushed up (a single pea will more than fill her up though) and my plants of course, as well as any spirulina flakes lucky enough to make it to the gravel. It's safe to say she is used to a varied diet and will eat anything! Or at least try to.

Once the platies go into my mum's tank I'm expecting my remaining white clouds will probably be able to breed again!

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Thanks for the info (Ah yess.. ok Edward Elric huh! Cute! They might have the same personality too from the looks of it!). Yes I put some food at the top this morning but she was only interested in sniffing around the bottom!

Mind you She had only been in her new home for about 15 mins! (She spent the night in a plastic bin and wasn't impressed!)

So funny the way goldfish nibble on the gravel then spit it out again!

I've got spirulina so at least that will be familiar. I'll need to train her to come back up to the top though! Just don't want her to lose any condition before her big 'oe' to the pond :)

The pond fish ONLY get floating food.

This is to be 100% sure the tenants keep track of any uneaten food and scoop it out to keep the water clean (the first tenants we had destroyed the pond by giving packets of flake food to a grandchild and letting her do whatever she wanted) I occasionally give the tenants a tiny amout of pond flakes with shrimp in in for them to give the fish as a treat. I did manage to crush a few shrimps up for Eddy and make them sink, she found those ok :) !

We'll do our best with her :)

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I'm sure she will. :D I'll just feed a pellet every few days to make sure she's getting enough but will make her work for some stuff at the surface in between. The white clouds worked it out. I think she may still have been a bit sulky and trying to extract something better from me! Obviously it's worked though since I'll be out to buy her pellets tomorrow. Little sod :lol: ;) !!

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Those Aquarian shrimp pellets are dangerous!

Not only is Ed addicted to them, and the rest of the fish go berserk over them including the so-called mid-top level feeders who will gladly scrape their bellies on the ground to pick at the pellets, I've found it is also one of the foods at least one of the borneo suckers will go on the gravel to find, and once he's found one he will wrap himself around it and suck like a demon mosquito, blowing remnants out his gills.

I can't convince my borneo suckers to eat ANYTHING, not worms, daphnia, flakes, etc... But they will go on the gravel which seems to be quite uncomfortable for them, to find these pellets. I'm starting to wonder what's really in them...

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Definitely addictive. I'm laughing picturing one of your wee borneo suckers wrapped around a pellet!

Ed seems to have gotten over it though. He only gets one at every feeding now. He gets it first which give the little guys a chance to find some of smaller food while he 'chews' the pellet. I dropped one into my other tank just to see if anyone would eat it. Now in this tank I swear the fish couldn't be any less interested in food usually.. the leopard fish eat algae or nibble on he spirulina flakes I put in there, the white clouds nibble a tiny bit but really.. feeding is a non event..

WELL.. dropped in one of those pellets.. and holy cow the frenzy! Every fish in the tank stopped what it was doing and gathered around to see what I'd just put in there. Ok.. so it went straight past them as it seems they had never eaten off the bottom but the reaction was huge! (they found it eventually and there were several fish crowded around 'sharing' it.)

Anyway.. I took some pics but can't find the cable to connect my camera to the PC and my card reader is at work. I'll put some up on Monday. Good news is that when he runs out of stuff on the bottom he is now coming back up to the top for the flakes I put there. Oh... and he's getting on with his new little mates like they've known each other forever ;) !!

I'm having a small spike in the tank though so obviously he's more bio- load than the fish that were in there before. I'm watching it closely and I'm testing it daily and changing some water every other day (It's not a huge spike and the fish are not showing any signs of stress at all) Nitrite is higher than the ammonia so I'm hoping it'll be short lived (ie: the ammonia is dropping already). :P

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The leopardfish are doing great :) I haven't found any more fry but the plants in there are still sparse so there isn't aren't a lot of hiding spots. I added my own white clouds and the jordanellas when I got janelles fish. The white clouds seem much happier in the bigger group now (9). The leopardfish seem to like hanging out with the jordanellas from time to time.. the male leopardfish have been eyeing up the jordenellas too!!! Silly buggers!

Once the goldfish are out of my small tank I'll use it as a breeding tank. I was going to buy a male jordanella but I've decided to try to breed the others first since the jordanellas are not bothering anyone in the bigger tank like I was afraid they might.

I'll tell them you asked about them ;) Maybe I'll put up a pic when I put Edward's picture up.

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Sorry :oops:The goldfish pics look blurry but the inside of the glass is a bit filmy and due for a clean again (it's only been a week since I last cleaned it)!! I've kept the pics small I'm putting several on but you can click on them for a bigger view.

This is Ed peeking at me from the side of the tank (the bigger fish)


Ed's bum and his 3 little tankmates


Not the best photo but shows some more of his colours.


And Wilson this is a pic of the tank that the leopardfish are in.

I tried to get a decent picture of them but they wouldn't co-operate and all I got were blurs.. I'll try again another time. It's a bit bare still. The plants have along way to grow yet before they can hide the heater. Heater has only been in there for a couple weeks. I have it turned on very low.. just enough to encourge slightly faster growth on the plants. I'm going to get some borneo suckers and I'll add driftwood and rocks then. In the meantime they would just get covered in algae while the tank is still maturing (it's only about 2 months since setup).


Ed's future home:


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Thanks Caper.

Unfortunately we don't live there yet :-?

We own it but but are still living on a 'hobby farm' (usually called a 'lifestyle block' here... aka 'a life sentence block' given the amout of work it comes with!! ). The tenants are long term ones though and are absoultely fantastic with the pond and the fish are very well cared for (as per our very specific instructions!!) Edward will be safe and happy there I'm sure :P

I can't help but drool everytime I go there. I love that pond and wish I had one like it where we are now!! Never mind. all in good time :) We have toooooooooooo many other animals to live in the city yet and aren't prepared to give that up yet.

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Oh good :) Glad to hear you found it! Hopefully they'll breed in your mother's tank!

Ed's not exactly trim :o .. but I do think those aqua one tanks magnify the fish quite a bit. Maybe the glass is a bit thicker (??) or it's because the front is slightly rounded.

Anyway he's doing fine and has calmed down to normal goldfish activity levels. Maybe it's the cooler temp in my tank? Anyway.. I'll update you again before I plan on putting him in the pond to make sure you're still happy for him to go there :) I think he'll love it. He's such an active little fish I think he's going to love racing around in there.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all (and Janelle!)

I though I would post an update on Edward Elric.

He got moved to the pond at the rental a few weeks ago.

The tenants were away and didn't know we were adding a fish but quickly noticed when they returned..that one of the fish seemed a bit shy about coming up to eat! (NONE of the fish in there were anything near shy!!).

They worked out that it was a new addition and quickly integrated with the others. They know the fish so well that they know excactly which one he is!

Here go a couple of pictures we took a week after putting him in.


and this pic is a bit blurry but that's him on the back left hanging around with all his new mates ( he fits right in.. he's very similar looking and similar sized to most of the others)


and for sport a couple leopardfish/wcmm pics



And this has got one of my flag fish refusing to co-operate while he eats a shrimp pellet and the others hover around waiting for the scraps :)


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Aww, thanks so much jn! I recognised my Eddie straight away. She's really grown since I saw her though, even though you might not have noticed, but she's definitely looking a lot bigger than I remember, although the water does distort sizes a little bit and I guess I don't have anything to compared her to in the photos.

I miss my goldfish. I'd like to overhaul my tank again and start over with new fish next year. The sooner I have my own pond (that I won't have to move around much) the happier I will be.

I really appreciate you looking after her and I'm glad she looks happy with some company now. =)

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