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Two questions.


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I have recently set up a 120cm malawi tank with a mountain of rock and used coral sand as substrate. I didn't like the look (too bright) so added beach sand from West Coast.

Because of the different particle sizes they dont mix and it looks no better. Think I'll stick to sand only.

Question 1. The beach sand is very fine - are there any inherent problems using it as a substrate.

Question 2. To buffer the water I have a huge piece of coral rock. I am going to break it into chunks and put it in the canister. It's never been in a tank before so what do I need to do to make it aquarium safe. Should I soak it in a weak bleach solution for a few days??. Should it go in a stocking or will that create bacterial problems.

Cheers for your thoughts

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I have recently set up a 120cm malawi tank with a mountain of rock and used coral sand as substrate. I didn't like the look (too bright) so added beach sand from West Coast.

Because of the different particle sizes they dont mix and it looks no better. Think I'll stick to sand only.

Question 1. The beach sand is very fine - are there any inherent problems using it as a substrate.

Question 2. To buffer the water I have a huge piece of coral rock. I am going to break it into chunks and put it in the canister. It's never been in a tank before so what do I need to do to make it aquarium safe. Should I soak it in a weak bleach solution for a few days??. Should it go in a stocking or will that create bacterial problems.

Cheers for your thoughts

1. You can get the sand drifting around, sucked up by the filters, etc.

2. To make the coral safe you have to put it into the water, don't drop it on the fish.

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the intakes are behind the background and a long way from the substrate- no sand getting in there!

the africans will dig it up, move it around & generally stirr things up so you will be getting sand in your filter. i have found after a few months the aragonite will darken slightly & loose its bright appearance.

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Yeah really fine sand can destroy filters, the fish will stir it up digging around or you will moving rocks catching fish etc..

Guess it all depends how fine it is, and the coral rock should be sweet to just chuck in there if your worried about it hose it and stick it outside in a bucked for a few days changing the water in the bucket a few times to soak out any crap that may be there but I probably wouldn't bother.

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Most organic matter is on the surface and is gone by the time you get it. Rock has to be steam blasted before it's allowed into the country iirc. The remaining bit is only a relatively small amount of debris compared to the amount of food and other garbage you put into the tank. That's kinda like worrying that your cat has peed on your shirt while you're sitting in a septic tank.

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