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white leaves


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got a bit of a problem with my new planted tank.

I have got some good growth going now and have cleared up most of the algae with my ottos and ramshorn snails but my new growth is coming through white one all my chain sword and real light green on the amazon swords.

I figure i must be missing something, i fertilise weekly and add the plant 24 trace elements daily, i have a fermentation co2 kit bubbling through an air stone and have a 6500K 23 watt power saving bulb on for 12 hours a day (on a timer).

I water change about 1.5 litres every couple of days since its a 15L tank

anyway any ideas

heres a photo of what its looking like, notice "kengo" my tropical globe eye soon to be rehomed hahaah and one of the little bits of glosso i have to get growing, have some floatign to get some roots going.


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Echinodorus sp. (sword plants) go through a rest period when transplanted. They don't like being moved and generally all the existing roots will die and a new lot grow so at that stage they are probably being deprived of nutrient. Your fert. balls are enough for them and they will probably come right once they get established again. What is the K rating on the bulb and how high is the tank?

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coool, yeah its only planted that deep cause some of the fish kept ripping it up since there weren't enough roots alone to hold it down. same with the red tiger lotus in there. Was plannign to replant them once theres enough growth to hold them down and get rid of some of the old tatty leaves.

bulb is 6500K as mentioned above.. Tank depth is 280mm from memory but would haev to check that to be sure.

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