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Black Widow Tetra With Bent Gills?


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  • 3 weeks later...

So... these levels have been the same for about 2 weeks now-ammonia0ppm

nitrite in between 0 & 0.025ppm

ph 7.2

But i now have reason to believe that water quality isnt the problem as today when i fed shrimp pellets to another tank with 4 black widows, one of the larger black widows got one stuck in its mouth for about 2minutes and now its jaw is bent out on one side and its gills looks very similar to the other ones.

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when i fed shrimp pellets to another tank with 4 black widows, one of the larger black widows got one stuck in its mouth

I wonder if the shrimp pellets you folks have are different than the ones here. I find if the fish don't eat them immedialtely they start to dissolve fairly quickly?


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