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I am going to be putting my tanks in to the shed which is on the back of the garage. it is about 4m x 4m.

i plan to have

-21 tanks (+ some small ones)

-2 150L water barrels

-a long seat with storage under it

the walls and roof are going to have 6inch polystyrene on them

the floor is concrete with black polythene sheeting under it

i am going to try and keep the room temp at 28*c even though i am going to have 8 discus tanks at 30*c.

i have used google sketch to give an idea on what it will look like but i carn't get it to upload on to my photobucket can someone please help me with that.

so what does everyone think. good and bad feedback please

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Best of luck with building your fish room on a budget. I recommend spending some serious time planning out advanced plumbing systems for your tanks and water changes to make life easier. With a dedicated room this could be as simple as a drain in the floor or as complex as entirely automated water change systems. You may also want to spend a little more time dedicating that large empty space in the middle of the room for another rack of tanks (coming out from wall that currently has the display tank) as you'll want a higher water to air ratio in the room to keep it naturally warm and make the huge investment a worthwhile endeavor.

My 3M x 3M room ended up costing me well over the price of a nice car (so far) and I'm still about $1000 of equipment away from being happy with it. At your age this means putting your desires for a car and independence on a back burner for a very very long time. What are your plans a few years from now? A local club member your age spent the better part of his time and money for a year building a little fish room in his garage and only got to use it for a few months before he moved out... leaving the whole thing behind. Not saying that wiill be your future but it's something to keep in mind even if you're an adult that doesn't own their own home.

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