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The fish die mysterially


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My tank have setted up for 4 months, the tank is healthy only occasion fish die because of wound. I do water change weekly, and keep monitoring PH, Ammonia and Nitrate by test kits

but from last week a Coryfish looks funny it was floating in the surface without mouth parts and the scale was skeletonised it die in the night, then I saw a female guppy and a male guppy died in the next morning and only some little white spot in the mouth for the female.

So I do a 10% water change

but the next day I find a emerald eye tretra missing, and the other Corycat die, so I do a 25% water change in the next day, my habit was save the water for one night before drain into the tank, but in the time of change I find the body of a Zebra Danio. a Bristlenose and a emerald eye body.

but the next morning that is today a Neon and a emerald eye have gone, and a male guppy have splitting fins is struggling now. What happen?

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what is your ph?

what is your temp?

do you have any ammonia at all?

you said you had spots round the f/guppy was it white spot?

have you sprayed any sprays?, used any cleaning products?

put any new fish in just before they died?

why did you feel the need o do water changes?

i have found the only time you should do a water change other than when it is needed is when you over dose with meds.

have you used any meds?

melefix works well in most things and if you need to mix other meds you can thats why i like it.

but it doesnt work on white spot!

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