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New Setup


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Our new tank finally arrived yesterday. It's 1475x400x700H, and the calculator tells me thats around 400L.

At the moment it's sitting filled in the garage full to see if it holds. How long should I leave it ? I was assuming it would leak overnight if it was going to .. but not too sure on that .

I have two orange plecos in my community tank who will be moving in when it's ready( I'm getting tired of their landscaping efforts), but I'm wanting suggestions on further stocking for it. Hubby wants clown loaches .. but I'm really loving the look of the Africans.

I have seen plecos in with Africans ..so I'm guessing they can cope with the PH difference fine.

I'm really looking for decent sized fish, lots of colour and personality. I do like to watch my tanks and really enjoy fish that don't just hang there or hide.


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10mm glass it is.

The guy who made it had it filled for about three days with no problems. I just needed to double check myself for peace of mind.

10 days curing ?.. it was waiting for us to pickup for two weeks, so it's a good three weeks old now. Should be done ..right ?


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Why not have them all :P

the following is from an article on cichlid forums (my favourite african site :lol: ) you might like to have a read of this article on clown loaches in the african aquarium,


"Although research outside of the cichlid community indicates that clowns prefer soft water with a pH no higher than 7.5 – many cichlid keepers will vehemently deny that opinion."

the author also goes on to say she slowly acclimitised her clown loaches up to a high pH 8+

I'm planning on having my clowns in my large african tank when its running and going by this method, awesome fish really cute you'll love em

hope that helps :D

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eels are awesome ive got a tyre track in a planted with 7ish pH, and would like to get a fire eel too which id thought about trying in an african tank.

Most eels in the market are from various parts of asia so they're used to a neutral pH, i'm unsure of acclimitising them havn't really seen any articles about it but its probably possible :P

iirc theres a malawi eel I cant remember the name at the moment but its used to the high pH bit bland looking tho mainly brown etc ill find out a bit more and try get back about it tonight

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