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Guppy Fry/Snail Control


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I've got myself a guppy tank with both male and female fancy guppies. What i'm looking for is another fish to complement this tank who will also take on the role of snail and fry control. I'd love a Betta but know theres a risk that he/she will attack my male guppies. Is there anything else that will happily get along with the guppies and keep the fry/snail level quite low? Do you think that having the adult guppies will be enough to keep the fry population at a low level? I like to have fry, just not hundreds of them haha.

Any other suggestions for fry control please let me know aswel. I have another tank which contains 2 Angels, 14 Neons, RTBS, 2 BNs & 2 Loaches.


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I dont know of any one fish that will do both.. and not eat guppies anyway. :o

Zebra loaches are good snail eaters, and will live happily with guppies. But you will want several as they are a very social fish. Then most any medium size community fish will control the guppy fry. I have a kribensis in my guppy tank, keeps the numbers down, but occasionally a male gets it's tail trimmed :o So I wont really recommend them. Maybe some small barbs (golden etc) would do the job?



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