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A wee bit of a change...


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Love saying wee, :P the aussies pay me out every time...

Needed some room as some of the americans need there own tank(breeding :D ) so I had to clear out some africans, but then went stuff it & cleared out the lot. :cry: So the plan was to go all American, with an empty tank I went for a Discus set up, saw a well known breeder in brisbane with good links to an importer & I now have a medium sized,

Red Melon, Dickson Gold, Red Spotted Green, Blue Snakeskin, Golden Pigeon Blood, Red Turquoise & German Cobalt. I just got 1 of each but the plan is when I sell all the african fry in 4 footer, few weeks, I will go for 2 different varieties & try my luck breeding them.

I did keep cuckoos, (some peacocks for the cuckoos) a fronie & calvus(sentiment), but we had 40 degree temps on the weekend (tanks at 35 loaded up airation) but alias the third day of heat was 1 to many for the calvus & fronie :cry: , I am lucky compaired to alot of other people here.

Good in a way to go american, they can handly the heat better.


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the good old nor wester :lol: more trouble there with the cold over your way?? :wink:

no need for heaters in summer, just when its hot here its muggy too. :D I wonder how people in Cairns & darwin go???definatley need air conditioning.

I feel sorry for family friends that were here last 2 weeks , first the heat then went back to a southery change(CHCH) :o brr cold.

Frenchy :D

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