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Discus size


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I was in one of the fish shops up here today - not my lfs - and they had some really nice discus in but they would have been lucky to have been more than 3.5cm in size. Whats the chance of them surviving at that sort of size?

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Well there's every chance but just not as much of a chance than if you bought them bigger. If you get them that small it's best to get a bunch from a breeder then you know if they've treated them for flukes and things like that. What sort of price did they want?

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They seemed to be very cheap for discus $70 for 2 and then in the next tank they were a bit bigger, maybe another cm or so and they were 2 for $120, I think. They may have been bigger than what I think but I have to say I've never ever seen any so small before or the next size up

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I saw some in Auckland a long time ago for $25 ea at that size. They looked all from the same spawn so looked good. Get them to feed them if you can and see how they act. That gives you a good indicator of their health. If they're smaller hopefully they haven't had a chance to get stunted yet either so that can be a good thing

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