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My plants have wilted...


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My plants have wilted and are looking brown with a black fuzzy looking stuff on them can anybody help ?? they have plenty of light about 12 hrs a day is that to much ?? PH is neutral and the fish are happy and healthy, well they look happy ...... 8)

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Hi, tank has been re-vamped about 4 weeks ago changed the stones on the bottom to smaller ones, the tank is 1200x450x450 everything was going fine untill i changed the stones, I have an underground heater on it well under the tank that is and the temp is around 24 degrees, it has the tank that is being running fine for years .... a mate uses the same small stones and his plants are all looking good, I got mine off him ...lol

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Since they will have had their roots disturbed in the move they will need time to recover. Cut away any dead leaves. Once they perk up again they should overwhelm the opportunistic algae.

What sort of plants are they?

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they are starting to look better have been feeding them with flourish excell and they are coming away and the black fuzzy stuff is slowly going away too :P have some driftwood in there also to buffer the ph which was a little hard to control before hand, so all in all its coming along well !! and thanks for the advice :wink:

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