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Anyone got pterophyllum leopoldi?


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According to alot of info on the net, leopoldi were formerly called "dumerilli". Still often called dumerilli and imported as such.

My dumerilli (aka leopoldi) look exactly like the cichlid forum pic, nice emerald coloured blotch behind the eye really stands out with salmon colouring in the finnage. Yet the cichlid forums pic doesn't show the beautiful black stripes through the body, obviously the one photographed was feeling a bit vulnerable or not dominant.

P. leopoldi

Formerly known as "Pterophyllum dumerilli". The Pterophyllum leopoldi is a river dwelling angelfish species that originates from rivers in the Amazon River basin along the Solimões River, Amazon River, and Rupununi River. Rarely available in the hobby, this fish can be discerned from Pterophyllum scalare in that P. leopoldi has a more horizontally elongated body than does P. scalare, and the black band which goes through the fish's eye does not sweep backwards towards the dorsal fin (as seen in P.scalare), but rather goes straight over the head and joins up on the other side.

Will post some pics of our ones later on :D

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Hi Amazonian

I hopefully have a pair that are still showing big interest. I am not concetrating on breeding them as yet, as I am waiting for the fish shed to be finished, shed completed and painted now just the sump set up etc and more tanks... The Angels have been cleaning glass etc but often are interrupted by either another or something else in their planted tank. At this stage after shutting down a few tanks inside awaiting shed, I really don't have enough space to be setting another up inside :-? :( Will definately keep you posted when I do have some youngsters tho, they are fantastic and a beautiful nature.

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Thanks for that info African.

I know what it's like having just had my move, and then having to build "The Fish Room" basically around the tanks. :roll:

I still haven't finished the task yet but my fish just want to carry on breeding, so as you can imagine caviar is on the daily menu a lot at the moment. :lol:

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