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Bristlenose Breeding


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Kind of off the topic but I just put a female BN in my tank about a week ago and since then i have seen my male BN fanning in his tunnel and cave every now and then. Is that normal?


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i agree what the male is trying to do is coax the female to the cave by fanning strange but true because as the female gets close you may observe the male chasing her away this is all part of his plan then one morning you will wake up to eggs definetly a slightly colder water change or a big water change will help trigger them off but also be aware that yr female may still be a bit younger and not quite at breeding stage thou i doubt it you didnt actually state her size ...

dont worry if no eggs thou as males do reguraly fann as a spawning behaviour even without the presence of females so he may just be wishful thinking :o

but definetly normal behaviour

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My bristlnose love sliced cucumber,zuchinni and brocholi stalks. They simply devour it,come the morning theres usually nothing left.

I either boil or microwave the veges for a minute so they are soft and can sink,or attach plant weights in them so that they sink.

BN will also go for any of the commercial pleco chips,wether it be JBL,Wardleys,or any of the other brands. and shrimp pellets.

It pays to remove any uneaten veges the next day and replce with new food so it dosent spoil the water any.

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What does it llok like when they are spawning?

My Pair are both in a pipe they ccan only just fit in and they are both facing the middle with thier tails hanging out the ends and having turns at one of them goning right in the tunnel and the other one sticking its tail out.

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The male gets very excitable when close to spawning - you know it when you see it.

Common B/N prefer CLOSED caves (only one opening), they will breed in open caves and for that matter in the open, if there is not a better site.

But for consistent spawning and reducing stress on the male a closed cave is the way to go.

Some use bamboo, others hole in wood and I use upside down 10-15cm terracotta pots with a notched lip only just large enough for the B/N to get in and out.

I find if it's a young pair they will lay high in the pot(the male will disappear) , a large pair will lay on the bare glass( the male will be fanning in the cave opening, using his body to block the entrants )

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