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Night Time Polyp Extension


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If you have been checking out this forum, you will have seen some corals often refured to as Acros by which people mean Acropora. Acropora are a stoney coral, some refur to as SPS (Small Polyped Stoney) corals.

Acropora have polyps (the coral animal itself) but are not visible during the day, this is a technique to avoid predation, they do come out at night, to feed of course!

Many expert reef keepers belive the best way to juge your tanks health is by the corals polyp extension. An unhealthy or poorly catered for coral will not fully extend its polyps.

If I don't see polyp extension I don't often notice any growth of the coral, if I see polyp exension I know the coral is growing, and can notice some growth every 3-4 days. Some Acropora will grow as much as 15cm a year (BBC - The Blue Planet), I have only witnessed about 1/2 of that at best.

My polyp extension is not like the photos every night, but most nights. I check the tank each morning about 8:15am (lights out at midnight), which is when these photos were taken.

I would love to see some pictures others, but here are mine, Enjoy!



Notice 2 polychete (bristle) worms on the rock :) F R E A K Y stuff in these tanks at night. I have some monster worms, many an easy 20cm long!!



This photo is of the purple acropora frag that is posted elsewhere on this forum.



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