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Just bought some interesting guppies.


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I've been looking for Endler's guppies/livebearers and been noticing that there are quite a few male guppies around that seem to have coloring like endlers. As far as I know, pure guppies are pretty much a solid body color. Endlers are more patches and spots. I've been seeing a lot like that around. Today at Animates I found a couple that had Endlerish coloring and long swordtail like tails, one is an upper and lower and two are lower sword tails. Dunno if they're actually part endler or just a strain of guppy...I'm not an expert on either.:) But, I bought them, still looking for something that's definitely an endler, but since there are apparently no pure endlers anywhere...Well, anyway, they're pretty little fish and I've never seen swordtail guppies before.

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I actually spotted something similar to what you describe about a week ago at the lfs. I had never seen them before, and wanted to wait until I had spoken to the guy at another lfs (the better one) before buying any.

Keep me posted on they go, they really are attractive looking fish and I would love to get some, but am concerned about defects and abnormalities.

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