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Wanting to set up a 4 foot tank.


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Two sides to every coin.

Most people dont because of the fear the angels can hide their parasite loads and can be a little more agro (but i dont agree with the agro part, my discus are brutal sometimes).

In saying that if you are pretty darn sure your angels are healthy theres no more risk adding them then most other fish right?

Personally i like the look of one flat species per tank.

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Columbian Tetras (South American) are a larger size tetra, yet don't get too big, a nice school of 8 or more looks fantastic, beautiful blue shimmer to the body with red finnage, once mature their colour is fantastic!

I keep my 4 Dumerilli Angels with our Discus, till fish shed complete. However, the Dumerilli are very placid, aren't aggressive like Scalare I have found. Some people have had great success keeping angels with Discus (healthy of course) and yet others don't like the idea. I agree with sharn, Discus can pack some punch, mine can be devils :lol:

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Dumerilli were imported into the country last year... were hideously expensive... but well worth the money, they are beautiful. I have 4 that I am looking at breeding once they mature a bit more, they have grown alot since I got them, so hoping to seperate 2 that seem to be love struck when the fish shed is done.

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  • 1 month later...

Still haven't got the tank yet. Should be getting one in the next week or 2(depending on if i can find a stand somewhere) and then the filter after another week or 2.

But i have now got a better idea of what fish i want now.

4-5 Discus

Pair of BN (already have)

4 Whiptails (already have)

2 Clown plecs

10 Cory (already have 3)

Pair of Blue Rams(already have)

8-10 Black widow tetras(already have 6)

6-8 Rummynose tetras

And maybe:

Pair of Apistos

A Black Ghost Knife

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I think i might just go ahead with a three foot tank now.So i was thinking a 90x50x50cm tank or 90x60x60 or something similar, WOuld this be suitable for some discus? So i would have to have less fish than i wanted now right? And Would a aquaone cf1200 do for a filter for a tank this size?

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