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Red Tailed Black Shark


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About a week ago I bought a red tailed black shark about 6cm from Hollywood fish farm in albany. It looked really healthy in the tank so I decided to buy it. :oops: While driving home in the car he spun around on his side at about 1000rpm!! He looked like his back was bent inwards eg. head closer to tail. when i put him in the tank after climatizing he did his little spinny thing smashing into all the discus... :cry: (the hff guy told me the two would be ok together). And ever since he has been in my tank, he has swum around like he has no control over his fins. He swims upside down, gets blown around by the filter, get caught in the plants, crashes into the glass and gets stuck in the driftwood. He a real weird fish. I try to feed him his shrimp pellets but my adopted pet ramshorn snail eats it all. whats wrong with him??? He's a cool fish but i think hff ripped me off... what should i do????

Thanks :cry:

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Quite often, when you buy fish, especially highly string ones (eg, tailed black sharks, which have a "rep", Discus & Oscars that "sulk"), they can at times take a little while to get used to your tank.

I'd suggest leaving all the lights off for 24 hours, and trying to reduce noise near the tank, and not feeding. (my discus took 2 weeks before they started to come out from behind the plants at the very back of my tank :/)

Unless the fish is ill, perhaps someone else here can give you a hand...

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