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Fry food


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What else could i feed fry besides crushed flakes and tubifex worms?

My boyfriend decided to feed my fish and the whole lid came off :o and i lost the lot

To make a long story i now havent got any liquid fry food left and cant get the pet store till friday

I also still have a few small fry and dont want them to miss out on food

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Egg also pollutes really badly so make sure that they literally eat it before it hits the bottom.

Boiled peas, shell, and squished goes down a treat for them too.

They'll take any dry food now and also still enjoy bbs.

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Never heard of egg white being used, but it is common for breeders to hard-boil eggs, eat the white themselves and use a small portion of hard yolk and add water, emulsify then feed to the fry.

When doing this it pays to have a gang of cleaners in the tank.


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Egg yolk is "dead" easy to become a disaster as it can turn into a polluted mess real easy. You only need realy small amounts. You can make ice cubes out of a very weak suspensin and thaw them out in the morning and feed over a day. Temptaion is to over feed because of the desire not to waste the egg yolk but you do only need a fraction of a yolk (eat the rest and you wont be tempted).

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