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Fingers crossed!!!


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Ok now that just makes the day worse! :evil:

I had just typed a big post to explain what happened and pushed the wrong button and lost the lot :evil: :evil:

The heater in our puffer tank had popped it's lid! the whole black top has popped off. The glass is still intact! When it blew it must have tripped the overload thing-a-ma-bob on the multiboard and turned off the heaters and lights to the other tanks on that system :o Which just happen to be all the fry tanks. everyone looks fine except for the puffers, one of which is sitting upside down and not moving.

The heater that i recieved at conference got ripped out of its box rather viciously. thanks guys!! who would have thought i would need it so soon!

Thankfully the board had popped it's switch so everything was turned off and noone got cooked!! :bow: No i am just waiting for my puffys to warm up and hope they get over their chilly experience!

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jeez the puffs are still sulking! At this rate it is going to be a week at least before they get over their ordeal! :o

I don't think they are going to die now but they are pretty miserable. They are not moving and surprisingly not interested in food. they are just sitting there looking sad.

I don't like situations like that :cry: I felt so helpless and guilty! It is so hard seeing your finned babies so unhappy!

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