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New Fish! With Photos!


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Yea I had come to the conclusion that it was a male :roll: Bumma though because I may not be able to keep him as he gets bigger with the gouramis, angels and guppies.

The bottom one is very pretty and hopefully remains a female hehe. She is gorgeous and very outgoing.

I got them from the lfs, they were so impressive I couldn't resist!

What is your opinion about keeping the male and female together?

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You may find you have no problem with keeping the male in a tank with angels and gourami, it really depends on the nature of all the fish in the tank and how much cover (plants) etc there are. The angels may have the odd nip at the fins of a male and the biggest problem is likely to come if there is a male gourami in there. As to keeping the male and female together in a community tank I know people do it without problems, once again if it is well planted it will be easier. The other thing is that if they are both males you will soon know when you put them in the tank together. Enjoy them they are great fish.

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Thanks a lot guys I am very proud of my new fish! :lol:

The male seems a lot more active than the female and is too preoccupied with checking himself out in the glass to bother anything. My angel is a pretty relaxed guy and is still only young. I have two honey dwarf Gouramis who are males so I will have to see how it goes? If there is any probs I will separate them.

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