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Blue Rams Spawned, What to do?


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Hey guys,

my blue rams are spawning as i type for the first time so its very exciting. They have spawned in my community tank so im wondering what the best option is. Try and section the tank off? Try and transport either parents and eggs to my small 38litre tank? or something else? They have laid eggs on a amazon sword leaf so i could remove the leaf and transport them. What do ppl think would be best for the eggs and the parents. They are actively trying to defend their small territory at the moment

pics to come once ive sorted what to do.

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Should i transfer the parents as well or just the eggs? also i have an aquaone 38litre tank with built in filter, heater, lights. If i put mesh/pantyhose over the filter inlet would this be sufficient to stop eggs/fry being sucked in or should i use a sponge filter or airline? I'm hoping to buy some microworms and brine shrimp tomorrow and make a hatchery to start raising them. Does nayone know how often the parents are likely to spawn. I've only had the parents together as a pair for a month so i;m really happy as this is only my second experience of breeding :D

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nope remove eggs without parents put airstone next to eggs to create water circulation over them if you move the parents too they are likely to eat the eggs out of stress ..they should breed about every 6 sixs sooner if conditioned well and have the right enviroment removing the eggs can trigger them to spawn sooner

hope this helps

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hey guys thanks for the advice, its appreciated. Well the story goes, i bought some stuff (sponge filter, liquifry etc ) to get a tank sorted out to transfer the eggs. However the parents were doing such a good job at guarding the eggs that i thought i would give them a chance at trying to raise them... bad idea :cry: parents guarded the eggs for two nights but this morning the female started eating the odd egg. I debated transfering them out but wasn't set up to do it properly, came home tonight after being away all day and they were all gone i guess she ate them so next time i will definitely be transferring them out.. Its nice to know that they spawn so often so i may not have to wait long

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  • 3 months later...

no :(, in fact i no longer have my male he died around a week ago, went pale stopped eating developed stringy faeces and passed away. I quarantined him but unfortunately he never recovered. i bought some internal meds for worms (as prazi doesn't work on internal flagellates i read) but it was too late for him.

Im now looking for a nice looking male to go with my female and then i'll give it another go at breeding. I've had my female in quarantine as well as shes had a large lump on her face for 2 weeks. Doesnt seem to affect her but shes isolated for precautionary measures

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Thats the same thing that happened to all my blue rams.. Either going off their food and fading away (even when treated with metro and prazi) or getting lumps on their heads and fading away again..

I put it down to crapy imported fish... Have tracked down some nice home bred ones waiting for the guy to get back to me.

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Yeah i have problems with mine. My female has a lump on her back that was open so I treat the area with PP which seem to have clean it up but now it's coming back bigger than ever. I've had about 12 B Rams but they have never lasted more than a year so that why I'm after local ones . Still have a pair but need to up grade there tank and get rid of the guppies in there.

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Is there a possibility I can get in on wherever you are getting your rams from? I got a pair a few weeks back, and the female is doing really well, nice fat pink belly etc. But the male was a bit runty when I got him, and has never picked up. Getting skinnier by the day, so I think I may lose him.

So would be in the market for a male :wink:

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