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Pond Crazy


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Been through the circle of fish! Gold fish - :lol: Guppies - Malawi's - Discus - Now my new interest, Cold water exotics!!

Been interesting reading all the links to Leopards etc How exotic does cold water get? Have seen a few indiginous fish in the shops might through them a pond to try and breed them.

As I moved to a smaller place with a Big section, I am in pond building mood. I have exhasted the Library and have an idea of what I am going to create any words of wisdom? Things I need to know:

What should the filtration consist of? (Bio blocks, solid, biological)

Got a 4100Lhr Pump how much litre pond could I have, will stock small showling fish and plants

How do fish escape Preditors? Like Birds and cats?

Any ideas to build a cheap pond?

Will appreciate any feedback!

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Pond liner would be the cheapest way to build a pond

Mechanical filtration.

use netting over the top of the pond to stop birds eating fish.

use a lot of plants on the edges to keep nutrients levels low so low level of algae growth.

Have a look at Caryls thread on her pond for ideas as well

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Be aware.. that it can be very difficult to see small fish in a pond. Ponds also have dark bottoms so it's hard to see 'dark'ish' fish.

If your pond is wide enough the fish should be able to get the the middle to escape cats. If you're using a pond liner, a deeper spot is a good safe haven. Fish will also hide under plants when they can.

Remember the very important rule: 2/3rds of your pond should be shaded. Anything less than this will result in green water. This means you should fully expect your water to be green the first season until your chosen plants grow in. Do not let this put you off :D Just make sure to include waterlilies and other types that will spread out on the surface and it will take care of itself.

The other big enemy is stuff rotting in the bottom of the pond. You want to make sure than in your design you account for stuff being blown in by the wind etc. This means that a pond may be easier to keep clean if it has its edges raised a little to form a barrier. Another thing to consider is being able to reach in for maintenance. If you can reach the bottom with a long'ish net this often makes it easier to scoop out the stuff that does get in, soon after it falls in there.. rather than leaving it all to rot and then having to do a major cleanout. You can buy pond vacuums but they are very expensive. Some hire places may have them but you may need to hunt around.

Personally, my preference is for raised ponds simply because they are easier to maintain (in my opinion). If you keep the bottom higher than your ground level this means you can use a long hose as a siphon to either clean out detritus or just in case you ever needed to empty it or do a big water change.

The other option is a bottom drain but that might be alot of digging and I'm not even sure you can get them here.

Either way.. I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun !! :bounce: :bounce:

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Thanks for all the advise, had a look at Caryl's escavation WoW! Big project. Thanks for setting the standard!! :D

Yip, just bought 10 leopards they very small!! Thought of incorperating Three stacked 60cm cube 10mm Tanks (Waterfall visual effect), for the smaller fish (Leopards and indigeneous fish) and thick with plants. Then two ponds, Starting with a smaller pond stocked with Orandas with a 1metre river and leading to the Bigger pond with Jap. Koi (Hav'nt seen any around though) and maybe a brigde aswell (Filtre underneath), Ok I getting carried away :bounce: but I can't wait to get started, will have to build it phase by phase!!

I am Planning to put in a UV filter, gona get another 4000litre pump, not sure how its all gona come together but... My property is sloped so I will try and design a gravity fed biological and Solid particle filtre inbetween ponds and pump the water back up with 2 x 4000L pumps. looking at

+/-2000 Litres of Pond, Any ideas of filtre material?

I am going to have to get a net or something to cover the pond as I have a Big Oak tree shedding tons of leaves as we speak, also I have seen birds bombing shoals of fish in the waitemate from me porch :o

So where would you say the best place on the shore (Besides this forum) to get pond and pond planning advice?

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Unfortunately you won't find any Koi here. (Or Maybe fortunately?)

They are classed as a pest and have been banned. They get absolutely massive too!!

Apparently they are massive polluters too and have extra filtration requirements anyway so may eb just as well!

I like the Shubunkins cause you get plenty of variation in them. Chuck in a couple of comets for some bright contrast.

Someone up there might be able to tell you for sure but I think i've read that the real fancy goldfish (ie: orandas) don't do well in outdoor ponds.

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Thats a pitty! nothing beats a koi pond but I can understand, seen those monsters in lake pupuke. So what happend to all the koi that was in the country or were they never allowed?, thought some grew to 20yrs old

Comits would be the next best thing got a month or two to research the fish stocks :wink:

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