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African setup...


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Hey all, just a thought at the mo but wanted a few ideas.

Wanting to setup an African, i guess river, biotype with some pantadons and elephant nose and was wondering what else apart from bichirs, kribs and congos come from those parts? Not African lake species either.

Thought it might be quite cool, just want an idea of what fits in with the mix, even plant species aswell would be helpfull

Cheers guys :wink:

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Oh yeah I have half a dozen upside downs aswell, thats what i was forgetting :roll: , cheers

Diddnt mean for it to sound as if i would put a bichir in, just stating that it is one of the species from Africa

With the pantadons it just comes down to the individual fish, some are fine some arent, a bit of floating cover helps too.

Anubius, sweet as didnt know it was from there, not too crash hot on my plants, Thanks guys

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