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Weird Fish Behaviour


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~Black Ghost Knife.

Made him a nice hidey hole, put bloodworm in it so that he would find it. Refused to go inside, then my clown loaches went into eat the bloodworm, so he went in there, and demanded that they leave. And ignored the bloodworm.

~Male Siamese Fighter

Has decided that my pantadon butterfly is another female, and is going "woo shiney fins!". idiot fish. ITS GONNAN EAT YOU. When it gets bigger lol :P

~Clown Loaches

They make clicking sounds that sounds like glass cracking. And like water dripping. Damn near gave me a heart attack :/ NOT FUNNY :( - Flatmates thought it was funny though, seeing me run round the edges of the tank trying to find dampness.

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~Clown loaches, motor boat along the surface for flake with just their noses sticking out of the water.

~Yoyo loaches, like to try and kiss other fish on the mouth or sit on their side like a ramora fish and spin round in circles with other yoyos trying to do it.

~Pictus catfish, like to hide and burst in the other direction if i suprise them, also they blink which looks funny.

~Convicts, flaring up and nipping on my hand - theyre bout to have kids

~Port Hoplos, such nutters - putting my hand inside and looking away and feeling them trying to eat it, if i just look along the surface of the tank and see these tentacle like whiskers coming out of the water and moving in different directions on my arm, and theyre always excited to see u and swim infront of your face

~Bristlenose catfish, took a large log out of a tank recently and had hidey holes thought i got all the fish out and whacked it against the ground a few times to check, after it was sitting in garage for an hour n half came back to see a BN lying in a tiny puddle, was still alive so threw it back in its tank and it was sweet the little trooper.

~Blue Rams, watching them colour up and down infront of other males and females is entertaining, and the little females swim in between the giant port hoplos at feeding time theyre like 1/10th the size.

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Port Hoplos are awesome :P the 4 ive got are pretty well grown at 12-15cm (Mysticvampyre and Ballistic raised em which was much appreciated :lol:), theyre quite like puppies just odd looking ones they eat alot and love bloodworms, they might not be the most attractive catfish but they make up for it with personality so well worth the buy imo.


Theyre im my 200L at the moment which is planted and they enjoy that quite well ill move them into my 365L when i set it up so theyve got more space.

Mine are all females (Males seem to be kinda rare) so breedings not a problem, in terms of space ive read that 2 to a 3 ft is recommended but it can vary with total size aswell. Like plecos theyre very hardy and can live in a variety of set ups e.g. 6-8.5pH low 20s to 30'C etc, imo neutral pH and 24-27 would be best.

Yoyo/Pakistani loaches are one of my favourites, they like to dig around sometimes into the substrate looking for food and are mainly bottom feeders but learn to come up to the top for food aswell, theyre more active and playful in groups like alot of loaches. Their appearance can change a bit e.g. when theyre young their stripes are quite thin and as they get older its a more defined shape and they start to split again e.g. look kinda like zebra camoflage.

All my loaches are in my 200L which is basically just catfish and loaches, the loaches like to hide aswell so they go into small nooks etc if they can find em and yea hidey holes are good.

Hope that helps :wink:

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Black widow tetras: jump clear out of the water at feeding time and its only a matter of time before they end up on the floor like Hummingbirds paradise fish :lol:

Honey Gouramis: Little mating ritual is sooo funny. Zoom in and out like they are gonna kiss several times .... then sidle up head to tail and swim round and round in circles. Other fish are totally mystified and just sit oggling them!

But my favourites (until my clown fish arrive on Sat) are the corys. They flit up and down the front of the tank all evening looking for attention. They've got this kind of 'wiggle' going on and its cute as.

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My false algae eater burrows into the stones in the tank and he likes to move stones about and will bury himself up to half his body length before wriggling out of the stones.

My butterfly rams, I have 4 and one is more dominant and gets shitty at anyone coming into his area, he will grab another ram by the lip and have a toussle with them. This one is more highly coloured than the others.

My bristlenose fiercely guards the spirolina tablet against everyone else and even has a go at the gouramis and angels if they try to push in.

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